Takoua Jendoubi



Room 137

1-19 Torrington place

Statistical Science Department, UCL

I am currently a Lecturer in Statistical Science (Teaching) in the department of Statistical Science at UCL. I also hold a Honorary Research Fellowship at Imperial College London.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have received the Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning at Imperial.

I am both a data science and statistical science educator interested in pedagogical research and a statistician with interest in Bayesian statistics.

I am a data science educator with interest in pedagogical research. My ultimate aim is to share effective ways of teaching statistics to non-specialists or people with little to no prior experience in data science and develop reproducible educational tools and methods to make statistics teaching and learning accessible to the wider audience. I am committed to increase student engagement with statistical or programming modules, fostering collaborative learning and student-staff partnership in educational research.

I am a statistician with interest in Bayesian statistics and missing data imputation. My work focuses on developing statistical methods for unstructured and heterogeneous data integration with applications i) to educational data mining to serve pedagogical questions of interest such as student engagement and educational outcomes and ii) to heterogeneous biomedical data e.g. post-genomic data, multi-omics, clinical data and physiological data to understand complex biological processes.

I teach a number of statistical modules at undergraduate and graduate levels to both specialists and non-specialists but also take part in outreach activities to introduce A-level students to data science.

I did my PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Imperial College under the supervision of Korbinian Strimmer (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), Timothy Ebbels, Robert Glen and Elaine Holmes (Computational and Systems Medicine). Afterwards I joined the department of Mathematics as a Strategic Teaching Fellow. Before coming to the UK, I was a research engineer at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in France.


Dec 9, 2022 We are organising the Special Session on “Data Science Teaching Innovation in STEM Education: A Closer Look Into Pre- and Post-Covid Innovations” at the prestigious IEEE Global Education Conference. Paper submission deadline: December 31, 2022. Submit here. :point_left:
Nov 28, 2022 Jamie’s work on Bayesian hierarchical models to uncover COVID-19 seasonality patterns was awarded the UCL’s Statistical Science Department best project award! More on this soon! :sparkles:
Nov 11, 2021 Invited Talk - Front Line Genomics
Integrating Diverse Datasets Webinar Series. Watch the event replay here :point_left:

selected publications

  1. Fostering collaboartive learning through postgraduate group projects in statistics education
    Takoua Jendoubi, and Niloufar Abourashchi
    ICOTS 11, 2022
  2. Approaches to Integrating Metabolomics and Multi-Omics Data: A Primer
    Takoua Jendoubi
    Metabolites, 2021
  3. A whitening approach to probabilistic canonical correlation analysis for omics data integration
    Takoua Jendoubi, and Korbinian Strimmer
    BMC bioinformatics, 2019